Monday, August 11, 2014

Rabbit made in Crockpot

What do you think when you hear the word, "Rabbit"?

Naturally, you think of that cute little bunny you see in the pet stores with its wee little paws, and its wiggly little nose and fluffy tail, saturday morning was filled with our favorite bunny, Bugs Bunny! "Eeeyyyy... What's up, doc?", Oh! Come on! How can one not remember the excitement of waking up every saturday morning to cartoons! Now, THAT was the life! 

When I think of the word, "Rabbit" I think of (now)... Food. 

 When I mentioned I made rabbit for the very first time the majority of the reaction I got was a scrunched up nose and "Ewwwwww!", but think about it, when you eat chicken or cow or any other "farm" animal, they were once alive and had to go through the same process a rabbit has to go through, being processed for the dinner table! So why is a rabbit considered gross? Because most people are only used to the food that are given them to eat, so chicken and cow are considered normal. I just find that fascinating, how most people can think only in a box! I'm glad i'm not like that at all! 

 Ok, ok, ok, enough of that now to the rabbit I  made for the very first time ever!

 We got this rabbit (already cleaned out, I just needed to do the butchering) at our local farmers market from a rancher who raises his own sustenance. My husband was so fascinated at trying rabbit he asked me, "Babe, can you make rabbit for me?", so with absolutely no recipe or any inkling how to make rabbit I said, "Of course!", like I said, i'm the kind willing to try new things!!

All I asked was, "is this a fatty or lean animal?", he said that rabbit is very lean and DO NOT eat the fat as it is disgusting! I took his word for it.

 I had no recipe, no idea what I was going to do, but what I did have was excitement and curiosity for what I was going to make for the very first time... and love. Love for my husband to please him and a love for cooking, with Love, any dish will fall into place! 

After I created this dish, my husband was so extremely pleased by it he wanted seconds and thirds! It was absolutely delicious!!!! 

So, here is my personal recipe (roughly speaking, I rarely narrow down to tablespoons and cups, I just say, "give it a dash or so and taste, if it needs more add! Better to add then mess up and can't take it back!): This Rabbit made 2 servings.

I used the crockpot for this. I didn't trust myself to grill or use the oven. I used an organic red bell pepper, whole mushrooms and raw natural butter.

I butchered the rabbit myself, it was a lot easier than I thought! 

Yes! I had to add our puppy, Sadie, in here! She was almost drooling when she saw the rabbit and smelled the spices! She never left that spot until she realized she was getting nothing! Poor thing! Ha Ha!

For the seasoning of the rabbit, I added to both sides of the pieces pink Himalayan salt, pepper and Cajun spice.

Oh ya! I'll drool with ya, sadie!!! I know this is gonna be one fine meal!

For the veggies I seasoned them with lemon and pepper and a bit more pink salt!

Before I forget! I heated the crockpot with the amount of butter I desired (again, I don't give actual amount, I love butter so I gave the pot a huge dollop of buttah! Mmmm!!!). With my crockpot I just had it at 150. This pot REALLY heats fast and a strong heat as well! Each pot, i'm sure, is different. Just remember that rabbit is a very lean meat, so make sure the heat is low.) In this photo I added the veggies to the butter first and then covered it with the Rabbit. so that the seasoning and flavor of the rabbit will go down to the veggies and the steam of the veggies and butter rises to the rabbit!)

Allow to cook for 3 hours. Try not to take off the top often, as the moisture will escape and you will end up with a dry rabbit! 

It was absolutely DELICIOUS!!! My husband and I had this awesome rabbit stew with a side salad of romaine lettuce, tomatoes and red onions. I made a dressing of olive oil, lemon juice, himilayan salt, bacon and chive seasoning with thin shredded parmesan cheese!

 I hope you enjoyed how to make rabbit! Try it and see if you like it! I know I will be having rabbit again but maybe next time i'll try it differently! Either way... it was a wonderful meal!